Petco Love Invests $15M in Grants to Pets, Families, Animal Welfare Partners


Petco Love has announced $15 million in grant investments to its animal welfare partners across the U.S. The nonprofit is a national nonprofit harnessing the power of love to make communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since its founding in 1999, PetCo Love has invested $330 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts.

Press release: Petco Love

Economic turbulence affects pets, too. And during times of financial strain and uncertainty, Petco Love stands strong in supporting animal welfare organizations, pets, and pet families to help keep them healthy and safe. To this end, Petco Love has announced $15 million in grant investments to its hundreds of animal welfare partners across the U.S.

Petco Love is a national nonprofit leading change for pets by harnessing the power of love to make communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since its founding in 1999, Petco Love has invested $330 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts. And Petco Love helps find loving homes for pets in partnership with Petco and more than 4,000 organizations across the U.S., with 6.5 million pets adopted — and counting.

Economic uncertainty and hardship doubly impact our nation’s animal welfare organizations, and the toll can be dire. Not only do they face supply chain challenges, worker shortages, and inflation’s ripple effects, but challenging times actually increase the need for their services.

As families face financial hardship, animal welfare organizations are overwhelmed with requests for help, and these same financial pressures result in decreased donations when they are most needed. Without community support of volunteers, fosters, and donations, animal shelters are on the brink of critical situations, with some facing the prospect of euthanizing pets due to a lack of resources.

“Petco Love’s investment strategy prioritizes grant funding to the hardest working under-resourced organizations with a relentless determination to save pet lives. Our commitment to a future in which no pet is unnecessarily euthanized means we must support our partners’ lifesaving work, particularly during the difficult times when they need us most,” said Susanne Kogut, president of Petco Love.

Petco Love’s lifesaving support is powered by resilient pet parents who not only take incredible care of their pets, but they shop with a spirit of generosity helping others in need with a donation to Petco Love.

In addition to Petco Love’s grant investment support to on-the-ground programs that mitigate the effects of economic downturns, Petco Love provides direct resources to keep pets healthy and to stay with their loving families, including the following:

  • Petco Love Lost is a searchable national pet lost and found database — which is fast, free, and easy to use. With 1 in 3 pets going missing in their lifetime, Petco Love Lost can be used by anyone who loses or finds a pet and seeks to reunite pets directly with their families;
  • Free pet vaccines give pets their best shot at healthy lives by preventing deadly diseases such as parvo, distemper, and panleukopenia. Since August 2021, Petco Love has provided more than 800,000 family pets with these vaccinations to create healthy pet communities.

In making this $15 million investment in animal welfare organizations that steward the philosophy of love and respect for animals, Petco Love hopes to galvanize pet parents, caretakers, and the communities in which they live to also take action to make the world a better, safer, more caring place for all pets. And during times of economic hardship, this goal is more critical than ever.


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