Meet the Teams | PETA


Need help planning a protest? Grassroots protest coordinators support activist-led demonstrations and engage with activists on PETA campaigns. Click here to see who the grassroots protest coordinator is for your region, and contact them to learn where you can join (or lead) a protest today.

Matthew Braun

Manager of Grassroots Protest Campaigns
[email protected]
I went vegan to win a bet in 2006, and I never would have imagined the impact that it would have on my life. After winning the bet, I decided to stay vegan, because I felt so much better. As I learned more about cruelty to animals used in experiments and for food, fashion, and entertainment, I increasingly felt the need to share this information with others, so I started leafleting and attending protests.

I worked as an eyewitness investigator in a chicken slaughterhouse before landing an internship with PETA that involved traveling around the country to spread the animal rights message to people at concerts, parks, and YMCAs as well as outside animal circuses. After traveling for two years, I became a grassroots protest coordinator. I relocated to Los Angeles, and now, I get to work with dedicated and compassionate activists on the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada by helping them plan protests for animal rights!

Carla Wilson

carla wilson

Grassroots Protest Coordinator
[email protected]
I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to work with grassroots activists, helping them to make changes for the animals in their communities. In 1996, I rescued my first greyhound, Allan, on the day he was scheduled to be killed because he was no longer considered “fast enough” at the local dog track. He opened my eyes to the way animals are used in entertainment. That summer, I attended the March for Animals conference in Washington, D.C., where my life changed forever. It was there that I watched a video of a pig being slaughtered. Having loved animals my entire life, I never took it a step further to think about where the animals on my plate came from. I stopped eating animals immediately, returned home, and got involved with a local animal rights group. I have helped get laws passed in my town banning tethering dogs, retail pet stores that sell puppies, and circuses with animals. When I’m not protesting and helping animals in other ways, I enjoy traveling with my husband, photography, and spending time with our rescued cats.

Autumn Stairs

autumn stairs with dog

Grassroots Protest Coordinator
[email protected]
I have worked closely with animals my whole life. My love for them quickly grew into a fierce passion to save every individual I could. That’s what led to me to go vegan over a decade ago and begin organizing animal rights protests of my own with PETA. Now, I’m so grateful to have a position at PETA as a grassroots protest coordinator, helping others speak up for animals by organizing strategic protests.

I stay active advocating for rights for all individuals, mentoring new vegans, organizing animal rights events, and volunteering at sanctuaries for rescued animals. In my spare time, I enjoy skateboarding and going on adventures with my best friend and animal companion, Nausicaa.

Amelia (Amy) Stewart

Grassroots Protest Coordinator
[email protected]
When I was 12, my best friend, a cat named Chica, passed away. Watching her suffer in the end made me realize that all sentient beings have the same capacity to feel pain, and I vowed that I would never again eat another animal. Another 19 years would pass before I saw my first activism video, which showcased passionate individuals inside a supermarket speaking out against the meat and dairy industries. My life changed while I watched that video, and after contacting the organizers of that event and participating in my first disruption, I could confidently say that I was not only vegan but also an activist. My animal rights journey began with Direct Action Everywhere but expanded to include volunteering with the Animal Save Movement, Anonymous for the Voiceless, PETA, and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. I now find myself regularly protesting outside slaughterhouses, zoos, aquariums, fish markets, animal testing facilities, racetracks, fairs, and other such locations. When I’m not engaged in activism, you can find me reading and writing scary stories and spending time with my partner, my daughter, and our animal companions (three cats, two rats, a dog, a turtle, and a rooster).

Braydon Medeiros

Assistant Grassroots Protest CoordinatorPETA staffer Braydon Medeiros holds a sign in protest of Texas A&M
[email protected]
I became involved in animal rights activism in 2019 while attending the University of Texas–Dallas. I went vegetarian at a young age when I learned that meat comes from animals, but I never saw myself being in a position to do more to help them. A student I met in college had started an animal rights club on campus and did virtual reality outreach featuring iAnimal footage and screenings of documentaries. By participating in the club’s activities, I learned how I could make an even greater difference for animals. I was inspired by the passion of the other activists I worked with and by an early success persuading a close friend to stop eating meat. I quickly got involved with more grassroots activism in the Dallas area, planning and participating in many successful vegan outreach and campaign events. Every victory we have inspires me to keep working to improve the world for animals.

I’m glad to be part of PETA’s grassroots protest team because it gives me the opportunity to help others stand up for animals. Whether it’s something as simple as sending signs for a protest or helping with planning a demonstration, I’m always happy to assist. Anyone who cares about animals can make a difference for them, so please don’t hesitate to contact me!


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