Urge Massachusetts Assisted Living Facility to Ditch Glue Traps!


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When we were informed that Christopher Heights of Webster—an assisted living facility for the elderly in Webster, Massachusetts—had reportedly set out glue traps for rodents, we immediately contacted its management. Victims of these vile devices suffer immensely, succumbing to shock, dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood loss after ripping themselves apart in their frantic struggle to escape. Exhausted and terrified, they can take days to die, and labels instruct users to toss trapped animals into the garbage! Furthermore, both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Canada caution against using these devices due to the risk they pose to human health. Glue traps are indiscriminate, ensnaring countless “nontarget” species every year. Nevertheless, even though PETA shared this information with the facility, we have received no assurance that it will stop using them.

Your voice is urgently needed. Please send a polite e-mail to the manager of Christopher Heights of Webster urging the facility to ditch glue traps immediately—then share this alert widely.


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