Tell NY Governor to End Corporate Welfare for Horse Racing Cruelty


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As part of a sweetheart deal enacted years ago to bail out the New York horse racing industry, $230 million in casino profits goes straight into the coffers of privately owned racing companies every single year. Eleven racetracks have been handed nearly $1 billion in just the past four years. And they don’t even have to keep the horses alive to get the cash—106 horses died at New York tracks just last year.

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal and Sen. Robert Jackson are challenging this corporate welfare. Rosenthal has introduced Assembly Bill 8468, and Jackson has introduced Senate Bill S8485, which would cancel $230 million in annual subsidies to racehorse owners, breeders, and trainers and for New York Racing Association track operating expenses and capital improvements.

Please take action: Ask Gov. Kathy Hochul to end horse racing corporate welfare now!

If you live in New York, please take action here instead.


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