PETA’s Protesters Urge University of Bristol to Ban Near-Drowning Test


The University of Bristol is insisting on pursuing cruel and worthless forced swimming tests using rats. PETA will stop these experiments. Here are our latest actions:

October 2022:

PETA’s “zombies” want to put the final nail in the forced swim test’s coffin. Ahead of Halloween, a mob of PETA supporters dressed as brain-dead zombie scientists swarmed Senate House to urge University of Bristol experimenters to use their brains, ban the cruel and useless forced swim test and other near-drowning experiments on small animals, and embrace modern, non-animal research.

September 2022:

PETA Hands Out Freebies to University of Bristol Students – But They Come With a Harsh Truth

Visitors Warned of Animal Torture at University of Bristol Open Day

August 2022:

PETA Crashes the Balloon Party With a Giant ‘Rat’

April 2022:

PETA Haunts the University of Bristol With Grim Reapers

Mark Rylance Urges the University of Bristol to Stop Tormenting Animals

February 2022:

Valentine’s Day: PETA Urges University of Bristol to Have a Heart for Animals

December 2021:

University of Bristol: Students’ Union Condemns Forced Swim Test!

PETA ‘Rat’ Gives Out Free Face Masks – With a Message

November 2021:

The Age of Experiments on Animals Is Over

September 2021:

PETA Makes a Splash in Bristol With Drowning Rat Billboard

‘Rat’ Dunked in Tank to Protest Cruel Tests at University of Bristol

PETA ‘Rat’ Stands Against Bad Forced Swim Test Science

August 2021:

The Things the University of Bristol Does to Rats Are Absolutely Awful – Joanna Lumley Agrees

July 2021:

What Happened at Our Forced Swim Test Virtual Disruptions?

April 2021:

Banned! PETA’s Near-Drowning Mice Ads Rejected From Buses

February 2021:

‘Have a Heart This Valentine’s Day’: Universities Urged to Drop Forced Swim Test

December 2020:

Will Poulter Urges University of Bristol to Ban Forced Swim Experiments

Rats Are Forced to Tread Water, Then Killed

In the widely criticised tests, experimenters induce panic in vulnerable small animals such as rats, who may or may not be dosed with a substance, by putting them into inescapable cylinders of water in which they must swim, terrified they will drown.

They attempt to climb the steep sides of the container and even dive underwater to look for an escape. This is done under the erroneous assumption it can reveal something about mental health conditions in humans.

Once the test is complete, experimenters kill the animals – either by gassing, blunt force trauma to the head, an overdose of anaesthetic, or breaking their necks – to study their brains.

Several universities, including King’s College London, and many major pharmaceutical companies have stopped subjecting animals to these cruel near-drowning tests. It’s time the University of Bristol followed suit and invested in humane, human-relevant, non-animal methods.

Rats Need YOU! Join the Campaign

University of Bristol experimenters must drop these dead-end experiments. When we ask, they listen. Join our campaign and help us keep the pressure on!


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