Pawssum makes successful launch into New Zealand


Four years since launching in Australia, Pawssum has crossed the ditch into New Zealand, with its network of vets servicing pets at home in Auckland. Four in 10 appointments made through the platform are for at-home euthanasia. The business has its eye on continued growth, with plans ultimately to move into Wellington and further abroad.


Four years since launching in Australia, Pawssum has crossed the ditch into New Zealand, with its network of vets servicing pets at home in Auckland.

The pandemic-fuelled pet boom placed increased pressure on the veterinary industry and saw an increase in demand for at-home veterinary services. This enabled Pawssum to increase its network of vets from 180 at the beginning of the pandemic to more than 240 across Australia and now New Zealand.

Over the past four years, Pawssum vets have assisted more than 60,000 pets at home – with four in 10 appointments made through the platform being for at-home euthanasia.

At-home euthanasia for pets is performed only after a vet carries out the required steps to confirm the procedure is necessary. Once a booking is made, the vet talks owners through every step of the process.

Guy Shar, the CEO, of Pawssum, told Pet Industry News that the business has its eye on continued growth, with plans ultimately to also move into Wellington and further abroad.

“We’re focusing on Auckland right now, and we’ve got a few vets on the ground there and have started servicing customers – they’ve been very excited about it. A lot of our New Zealand customers have said that they’ve been waiting a long time to find a service like ours,” says Shar.

“The situation in New Zealand is very similar to Australia where vets are stretched and there is a lot of stress and pressure being put on clinics where you’ve got people waiting for hours to be seen. So, to be able to have a vet come to your home and offer services up to 10.30 or 11 pm at night and seven days a week, it’s really a game-changer.”

Shar says that Pawssum’s immediate focus will remain on growth within Australia and New Zealand but ultimately, they hope to expand also into Canada and the US, where there has already been interest from vets wanting to join the network.

“The number one reason that vets contact us is that they have become burnt out working in the clinic. But through our platform, they have the freedom to increase their income, set their own hours, and manage it like their own business with as much flexibility as they want,” says Shar.

Melbourne-based vet Dr. Stephen Bennett said he was attracted by the lower start-up costs and support offered by the Pawssum platform.

“I’d been looking for alternatives to the daily grind of clinic life when I came across Pawssum and had to try it out. I find pets and their owners are more relaxed in their home environment, particularly when I’m in control of my own schedule,” he said.

“Being able to pick and choose cases I’m comfortable with is an added bonus. The flexibility of being able to choose when and where to work has improved my well-being and I can earn as much or as little as I like.”


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