B-Corp: Guardian Named 5th Certified Pet Food Company in the World

Summary: Guardian Pet Food Company is only the 5th certified pet food B-Corp in the world. The company is dedicated to making a real and measurable impact on social and environmental issues. By holding themselves accountable to not just shareholders but equally to stakeholders, the business stands behind its belief that “people using business as a force for good” is not only possible but a fundamental obligation.


Press release: Guardian Pet Foods

Guardian Pet Food Company, with a mission to provide the most nutrient-dense pet food with the highest digestibility, recently announced that it has been verified and certified as a B-Corp.

With this certification, Guardian Pet Food Company becomes only the 5th certified pet food B-Corp in the world and joins Only Natural Pet as the only other pet food B-Corp certified company in North America.

Founded in 2017, Guardian Pet Food Company decided to challenge everything about the pet food industry and hold the company itself to the highest standards available. What started out as an informal benchmark to B-Corp standards slowly became a major corporate objective, with continuous improvements made over the last three years. After a rigorous “B-Impact” self-assessment, Guardian Pet Food Company applied for certification in February of 2021. A year later, the company reached a B-Impact assessment score of 106.8, with a minimum score of 80 required to become certified.

“Since our founding, we have proclaimed that we would put ‘Pets Before Profits,’” explained Jim Galovski, founder and CEO of Guardian Pet Food Company. “This didn’t mean that we were taking an oath of poverty; it meant that we were more interested in providing food, treats, and supplements that were highly digestible and nutrient-dense with the cleanest and fewest ingredients possible than we were in maximizing profits with a lessor product.”

From a corporate responsibility perspective, being certified reiterates that Guardian Pet Food Company is dedicated to making a real and measurable impact on social and environmental issues. By holding themselves accountable to not just shareholders but equally to stakeholders, the business stands behind its belief that “people using business as a force for good” is not only possible but a fundamental

Added Galovski: “The B-Corp certification doubles down on this philosophy and requires accredited businesses to meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, governance, transparency, and legal accountability. We consider it our duty to treat our employees, suppliers, and other partners responsibly and ethically. We do not, and will not, underpay any of our stakeholders. We do not, and will not, reduce the quality standards of our products for the sake of profits.”


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