Urge Cass County, Missouri, Officials to Act in Nightmarish Hoarding Case!


Reportedly, officials in Cass County, Missouri, have been aware of an apparent hoarding situation on S. Roush Road in the town of Pleasant Hill for nearly two decades, but somehow conditions go relatively unchanged, as dozens of dogs are suffering at any given time. Photos apparently of the property as well as eyewitness accounts and media reports paint a grim picture of skeletal animals wandering a trash-strewn landscape like hungry ghosts or chained to rusty vehicles and debris preposterously meant to serve as “shelter” during Missouri’s notorious winters.

Nearly emaciated dog with tether embedded in neck, taken on November 15

Local activists tell PETA caseworkers that the owner has repeatedly declined offers of free doghouses and other assistance, that multiple dogs have evidently frozen to death over the years, and that they are frustrated with officials who have reportedly done little to nothing, even though conditions at the property clearly appear to violate MO §578.005, which requires that wholesome food, clean water, and adequate shelter be provided. PETA caseworkers have pressed hard for action, but getting answers has been like pulling teeth, and the sheriff’s department will only say, “This is under investigation”—which is apparently a tired, empty mantra. Your voice is needed!

Images from August

Please contact the following Cass County authorities to demand urgent intervention on behalf of these animals, with consideration given to the filing of charges if appropriate and the prompt confiscation of the animals.


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