National Pet Bird Day Celebrates Joys, Benefits of Bird Ownership

National Pet Bird Day Celebrates Joys, Benefits of Bird Ownership


Press release: BEAK

The Bird Enjoyment & Advantage Koalition (BEAK), a concentrated effort to grow responsible bird ownership and educate the public on the joys and benefits of having a bird, is excited to announce the fourth annual National Pet Bird Day, which will take place on September 17. Pet bird owners are encouraged to share stories, photos, and videos of their birds using the hashtag #NationalPetBirdDay, while others can learn more about the wonderful ways in which pet birds enrich our lives.

“Birds are amazing companion animals and are actually very connected to their owners,” said Brent Weinmann, BEAK chairman. “National Pet Bird Day serves as a day to celebrate all the benefits that pet birds bring to our lives, educate on responsible bird ownership and encourage others to consider adding a feathered family member to their flock.”

What is it exactly that bird owners love most about their beloved companions?  According to the American Pet Products Association, bird owners say the top benefits are that birds are fun to watch/have in the household, they provide love, companionship, company, and affection, and even relieve stress. In addition, studies show birds can also increase social interaction, which is crucial for mental health and wellbeing, and pets can be instrumental in teaching children empathy and responsibility. Currently, Millennials represent the largest demographic of bird owners, with 45 percent of bird owners belonging to the Millennial generation.

For those interested in adding a bird to their home, BEAK offers an interactive quiz at where a series of questions help match users with the types of birds that may be right for their lifestyle. Quiz questions range from time and financial commitments, living arrangements, and noise tolerance, to birds’ level of affection and expected lifespan – all of which are key factors for potential bird owners to consider.

“We understand that birds, like any pet, can be a big commitment, and through our resources like the quiz, bird locator, species information, and avian vet locator, we hope to provide new bird owners the information they need to enjoy the happiness and beauty they bring to a home,” said BEAK president Dean Reyes.

Founded in 2016, BEAK consists of bird product manufacturers, associations and caregivers with shared interests to address the need for increased, responsible bird ownership. BEAK’s mission is to conduct research, identify existing resources, opportunities and challenges, and educate and drive awareness of the benefits of bird ownership through strategic communications, marketing, collaborations, and initiatives.


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