Posted on the 2nd November 2022

For World Vegan Day (1st November) this year, Animal Aid headed to Reading to hand out free coffee, with plant milks, to members of the public.

Collaborating with vegan coffee company, Cub Coffee, we handed out free coffees to members of the public to show them that plant milks are amazing – and that being vegan doesn’t mean missing out on your daily coffee.

We had lots of lovely conversations with people who were excited to be trying plant milks for the first time.

“The best coffee I have ever had!” – Phyliss, aged 90.


As well as handing out coffees and hot drinks, we were promoting our 7 Day Vegan Challenge. The 7 Day Vegan Challenge is the perfect way for anybody who is curious about veganism or plant-based eating to give it a try and get all the help they need throughout the week, and beyond. Following on from the event, more than 40 people have signed up to the initiative – a very encouraging start.

Thank you to Cub Coffee for their amazing coffee, the public in Reading for being so receptive, and – especially on World Vegan Month – everybody who chooses to be vegan.

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