Alaska: Here’s 6 Ways YOU Can Help End the Iditarod


For over 50 years, the Iditarod dog-sled race has caused immense suffering, neglect, and death for dogs. Alaskans are taking a stand and announcing that they do not support this death race, which is a stain on their culture.

A dog used for the Iditarod tangled in a chain.

More than 150 dogs have died during the grueling 1,000-mile race, not including countless others who were killed simply because they weren’t fast or fit enough. During the off-season, dogs forced to race live chained to dilapidated boxes or plastic barrels without companionship or the opportunity to socialize. There’s no difference between these dogs and those we share our homes with.

Many Alaskan companies, including Anchorage Distillery, Chrysler’s Anchorage dealership, and Anchorage-based Medical Park Family Care, have cut ties with the Iditarod. Scores of national companies, like Alaska Airlines, Coca-Cola, Costco, ExxonMobil, Jack Daniel’s, Pizza Hut, and Wells Fargo, have done the same.

It’s time to change the minds of locals in Alaska who still support the death race—and that’s where YOU come in!

1. Sign the “I’m Alaskan, and I Don’t Support the Iditarod!” petition.

Alaska Iditarod bumper sticker.

Sign the Petition

2. Put pressure on sponsor Alaskan telecommunications company GCI.

GCI: Disconnect From the Cruel Iditarod

Make sure everyone knows that GCI sponsors cruelty to dogs by calling your local GCI store, visiting the store and talking to the manager, or holding a protest outside a GCI location—we’ll help you! We’ll supply you with eye-catching campaign signs and informative leaflets, and we’ll help get the word out about your event.

Contact GCI via Phone, E-Mail, and Social Media

Request Supplies for a Protest

3. Order free stickers and signs.

Alaska Iditarod sign.

Get creative: Use these anti-Iditarod stickers and signs to show other locals that the end of the Iditarod is nigh. Send us photos of your work at [email protected].

Order Your Free Stickers and Signs

4. Order an “I’m Alaskan and I Do NOT Support the Iditarod!” T-shirt, and sport it around town.

Alaska Iditarod t-shirt.

Order Your T-Shirt

5. Leaflet throughout Alaska.

Activist leafletting

It takes just one person to make a big statement. Order “The Iditarod: A Deadly Race” leaflets to distribute at events, at your school if you’re a student, and throughout Alaska—we’ll send you free supplies. Just let us know how many leaflets you need along with your complete name and mailing address.

Request Free Leaflets

6. Take rapid action to help end the Iditarod in Alaska.

Dogs in the snow.

Once you complete the action alert at the bottom of the page linked below, another one will appear in its place. Keep taking action until you’ve completed them all.

Complete the Action Alerts


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